Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4.10.13 Peace and Shadows and a Young Snake In The Sun

Some days are simply so impossibly difficult.

Monday was one. But when you are 60, you recall being younger and 'soldiering' through, and how it messed you up so badly. and  you have a chance now to stop and let things settle and be kind to yourself and lose income and take the day off, with wisdom.

So I did. I took the day off and cancelled everyone and off went that mortgage money and I delivered my beloved to work, and then with torn and worn heart, tromped to favorite swamps and , with the little old dog, down the steep old trails to the outwaters of the Connecticut, where I came up on peace and shadows and a young snake basking in the sun, and the murmuring of the stream through the newly wakened skunk cabbage...all alive alive-o.

Still weeks continue, sometimes difficult things persist and we do what we can, as kindly as we can, which we improve at, if we wish, as we grow older.

Gently gently on we go, hand in hand with grace and gratitude.

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