Spring is doing what it does best; crawling closer, one shift at a time, all with of course the inevitable back-and- forth- 25• now, 9• in the night.
Birds chomping down at the feeders both to survive the cold and to be ready come morn to flirt and sweep about, choosing mates.
Sometimes I wish we had Bower Birds here, so I could stealthily creep up and see what this Spring 'a fashions of luring female Bower Birds has got up into.
But still, what with all the frisky, newly-untorpided chipmunks, the Eagle couples making a complete spectacle of themselves just about daily, overhead (!), the diving precariousness of Hawk mating ( that'll get you ... Uh... High) and the warming squishiness of the just yesterday frozen earth, mounds of snow receding, replaced by daily melt...
That turns into rivers of ice to navigate the next day.
It is LIGHT outside later!!
The tree's buds slowly making their own way to those eventual delicate new leaves .
Amethyst Brook today awash with melt- repeat after me -"Hello great water table for this summer!".
I do like change.
And the nights even seem brighter, frozen cold and dark and clear
Birds chomping down at the feeders both to survive the cold and to be ready come morn to flirt and sweep about, choosing mates.
Sometimes I wish we had Bower Birds here, so I could stealthily creep up and see what this Spring 'a fashions of luring female Bower Birds has got up into.
But still, what with all the frisky, newly-untorpided chipmunks, the Eagle couples making a complete spectacle of themselves just about daily, overhead (!), the diving precariousness of Hawk mating ( that'll get you ... Uh... High) and the warming squishiness of the just yesterday frozen earth, mounds of snow receding, replaced by daily melt...
That turns into rivers of ice to navigate the next day.
It is LIGHT outside later!!
The tree's buds slowly making their own way to those eventual delicate new leaves .
Amethyst Brook today awash with melt- repeat after me -"Hello great water table for this summer!".
I do like change.
And the nights even seem brighter, frozen cold and dark and clear
with a zillion suns far away,
more than you can ever hope to dream.
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