Sunday, March 16, 2014

3.4.14 An Intelligent Dietary Plan to Reset Your Health and Catch Up With Your Health Challenges

Photo: and....

Happy March! So, just in case you're thinking either 1. I feel like crap, or 2. Oh, I am dreading allergy season, or , 3. I am sick of getting sick! , or, most of all - 4. I have some serious health challenges that really impact my life andfuture , or, 5. I truly want to live a long time, feeling great and strong ....I wanted to share this link that essentially provides Dr. Mark Hyman's Ultra Simple Diet book, an excellent resource for a healing, intelligently detoxing 7-21 day diet., with equally intelligent follow-up continuing-to-heal-yourself guidelines, if you have significant health concerns, or don't WANT to have significant health concerns.

I've had the experience of eating Macrobiotically for 3 years, long ago ( a powerfully healing diet) and for 3 years The Seventh Day Adventist Diet, another intelligent healing diet.

Recently I looked into seeing Dr. Hyman, or the remarkable Dr. Aviva Romm, at the UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. I understand why they are no insurance. And their work is brilliant and hands down capable of much. You simply have to save up and up and up , unless you are independently wealthy . To me, the costs make perfect sense. The tests they run are intelligent and make sense. Their work involves Functional Medicine and is Naturopathic, with an intricate understanding of toxicity, healing, and lab test use. 

After I looked at the prices , I went and dug out my Ultra Simple Diet by Dr. Hyman and , after a re- perusal, someone nice I know went out and got all the stuff I needed to begin, this week, which I have. In the book is a shopping list for one week for one person. The guy thinks of everything.

I think he put his book online because all he really wants is for people to learn and gain health . His website has a new structure, to try to make his work more accessible, with meals and a coach and all . Good ideas.

He does seem to like grains, which don't fit for many , but acknowledges meat later on, which, despite my own opinions and being a vegetarian who would benefit from meat, makes sense from my observations of clients with Blood-Type Diet considerations. ( That O's and B's do need meat, though if you check out the research of Peter D'Adamo of The Blood Type Diet, or get the pretty cool app for your phone ($3.99) you learn that actually even if genetically you do fine with dairy , it's not milk for SURE, it's small bits of CERTAIN dairy, and the meat is hardly ever beef and chicken-at all. Check it out if you want.
Because every wise health idea and system acknowledges inflammation, blood sugar, and detoxing toxins well.

The cornerstones of The Ultra Simple Diet are an UltraBroth ( always a powerful, nutrient dense, easy peasy to assimilate , warm tool), an Ultra Shake ( good idea) an Ultra Bath ( yup. Essential, to suck all that crap out of your skin, giving your eliminative organs a much needed break) and food guidelines. These vegetables , this kind of fish or tofu or fruits

The link is essentially the book.

Human made stuff - chemicals, pesticides , etc., are very complex structures that WE ARE NOT GENETICALLY ABLE to beak down into tiny pieces and send out if our bodies.

And the sending out necessitates a clear well moving stream of our eliminative systems able and working well. Which generally they are not.

So, an intelligent cleansing or diet needs to CREATE a well moving stream AND the capacity to both break down ... and get OUT of the body....many lousy things.

You have a rest from common allergens or things that slow the well moving stream. Eggs, sugar, dairy, meat, grains ( except brown rice, if it fits fir you , and his choice of a rice based smoothie, which you could alter).

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