Thursday, March 12, 2015

3.12.15 The Song of YourForebearers

Rufus Wainwright singing his mother and aunt's song, with Dido. 

Kate and Anna McGarrigle; remarkable lives. So understated. 

And to sing a song about the experiences of your fore bearers.


  1. West Street?? Love the photo and Kate and Anna

  2. Yes, West Street, by the Alexandra Dawson Conservation Area, which is in actuality the path along the river, up to the old Maple at the end. During the summer, there is an enormous flock of Cedar Waxwings flourishing in the thick bittersweet vine-infested trees there. There are so many devotees who come from near and far to soak in the riverside there. And yes, have always loved the music of Kate and Anna, and their relatives. What muses, eh? And, thank you!
