Friday, October 2, 2015

10.2.15 Mountains I have known

My daughter texted me , asking which mountain would be better for her sweet 9 year old canine , who runs with her daily , but still... Which prompted me to feel such gratitude for all the mountains we managed to climb with the kids . God , with my lungs I was SLOW! But up we'd go, to my beloved Mt. Washington , and others. 
     Little local Bear Mountain, with its short but steep incline, for numerous Mother's Day picnics or just something to do on the weekend , the mist obscuring the valley far below, the hawks keening. So spectacular.
      So I gazed at this Monadnock moment,grateful to be the holder of 100,000 photographs of the moments of our lives;  recalling the climb up, the two younger ones running with their strong muscles , spatting , then all of us delighting in the stark rock summit. Beautiful.
       I texted it to my kids and my husband, then sat here just feeling the sun on my face that hot hot August day, the ledge we ate lunch on , the silent exhausted kids asleep in the back seat while we held hands on the way home, grateful for the day and the small reprieve.

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