Monday, March 7, 2016

3.5.16 We'll always have Paris

Does that ever happen to you , where it's Saturday and you have all these tentative plans for Getting Things Done, and you've done some things and then fallen over to recuperate and the end of the day draws near and you somehow focus in on the drawer with all the nails and screws or all the jar tops or something small and inane and the Whole House might be wearily waiting for sheets to be changed or dust bunnies to be relegated to the trash or car to be cleaned out, and there you are, immersed for the time being, and happily , in the teeny tiny universe of whatever small bit of stuff you are organizing and sorting and making right, and as long as you are down there in that small land , it is soothing and small and satisfying . 
And you get done and rear your head and the dishes and kitchen floor and toilet and whatever else is still there, standing there, waiting for what needs to be done in the material world, but somehow still , you smile happily to yourself , because even though people in movies will Always Have Paris, here, you will have the small triumph of this sorted out organization.

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