Down we went along the farmers fields, where the corn and
cabbage and squash and sunflowers and tobacco and cucumbers grow tall or crawl
, all across the rich silt-laced land.
Where hot humid days still the wildlife and even avians and insects into biding their time, beneath tall riverside forests, under stately flowering corn with their pale tenacious roots, sinking themselves deep into the earth, like so many powerful small emergent fingers.
Where the fox and possum and skunk and raccoon pass silently by, protected by rows of tall growth and dark green sprawling vines.
Where, around mid day , no one moves or ventures a thought , save the kids and dogs down the private camp roads, splashing and barking, as parents sit in the cool river waters, watching the beautiful summer day pass by.
Where hot humid days still the wildlife and even avians and insects into biding their time, beneath tall riverside forests, under stately flowering corn with their pale tenacious roots, sinking themselves deep into the earth, like so many powerful small emergent fingers.
Where the fox and possum and skunk and raccoon pass silently by, protected by rows of tall growth and dark green sprawling vines.
Where, around mid day , no one moves or ventures a thought , save the kids and dogs down the private camp roads, splashing and barking, as parents sit in the cool river waters, watching the beautiful summer day pass by.
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