Friday, September 25, 2015

9.25.15 Again and once again

There are so many small, almost imperceptible moments like this in our lives, 
where everything stops, just like that, and it all sinks deep inside of us.

9.25.15 While we stand alone

Tonight the fulsome moon seems suspended aloft
with visible craters , so enormous in the darkening sky.
Waiting there, while the sun slowly seems to sink.
While we small humans persist in feeing as though

the sun and moon move at our bidding, while we stand alone.

9.25.15 Up close and personal

"It’s been a long time coming

It’s going to be a long time                                         gone"
              Crosby, Stills, Nash                         and Young

9.25.15 Here's what I think. Anything at all.

I think if you stop, and take your time, you can get to know anything. Anything at all.

9.25.15 "The first step towards getting somewhere

 is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you are.”                John Pierpont Morgan

9.25.15 As they quietly fall away

Taking our memories in hand ,
 the kind that are stuck in time, we take them up, and let them run. 
We dance them, write them ; we say them out loud, 
and then we dream them. 
We wake with them over morning tea , as they wind their way down 
and then we open our hands and let them go , as , like leaves from a tree in autumn, they quietly fall away .