In the early morning rain, complete with the
cavalcade of sounds upon
roof and drainpipes and
nearby leaf, the old
wheelbarrow stalled by the compost
Far beneath the sleeping house perched upon the
mountain range's rock foothill
Begins the somnolent rhythm of
water flowing , dripping, dropping
so that if you are
Wakened too early and for
no useful reason you might
lie back, quiet, in the
not-so-easy yet not-too-hard
life that you , reluctant, may
open tired eyes to. You can
Nestle into this unaccustomed chill
and peer through wind blown
lime colored layers upon layers of
this summer's leaves ; you can
See in your mind the young doe
wandering the lower 40, intent upon
the fresh cut tender field grass. You can
Imagine the sky thick and grey as a
soft cotton blanket with no
hint of the always-blazing every-moment
even-in-your-night sun that is
up there, somewhere, burning its
furious star self, and
shining as stars will do
And here, you perhaps close
the door against your beloved's
quiet morning ministrations and his
coffee making ritual ; you lean
Against the door against the
enormous bouncing pup. You turn
off the noisy cooling machine in the
window to a new sort of quiet as you
Struggle open the swollen
old pine windows
and stand back
inhaling as the
Fresh rain soaked air rushes in
filling the bedroom with it's
summer morning's pungency
You rub tired eyes, catch sight of the
too early clock, everything
smoulderingly soft edged ; colors
muted your bare feet
feel their way across a
cool damp floor and you
Fall into layers of
smooth wrinkled covers next to the
aged sweet dog with a
careful hand you
rub down her spine as she
sighs against
all of those age filled aches
You feel yourself
slowly going under as your
head nestles a veritable mound of
recently abandoned pillows ; you are
opening your mind's door and out flows the
past in all the states you lived in and the
Various lovers ; you watch the
stream of events politely making their
way from the room; a line of
deep sleep sheep pushing them all
out out - not now- for another time
as you
Get up once more simply to
press against the cool door to firmly
close off and turn to
the silent patient bed as you begin to
feel yourself tumble. Use your
Shoulder , roll into it always you
let go words and the
rain's song takes you up as you
fall far beneath into sleep