We experience either mind numbing boredom or a
growing depth to ourselves , when our circumstances bring us to the same
places, over and over again.
I remember all the years of waitressing in NM,
bookkeeping in VT, working in clinics as a Counselor in MA, and as an Acupressurist
in my practice here.
Often there are two aspects that improve over
time if we work hard , are not thwarted by discrimination , and circumstances
go well for us.
We either can improve our long term financial
stability , move closer to occupations we love, or sometimes even both.
More often, we need to choose.
And as we have seen, sometimes being game for the stability of working for a
huge corporation with huge numbers of others in a huge desk-filled room or
factory, actually in this age does not necessarily secure us stability .
Often enough when the market stretches snd roars , ecstatic deregulation turns
its back, and those that have do engage in a fanciful melee that lines their
Sometimes , then, the day dawns , and pensions and investments and nest eggs
are all gone.
So many of us have had this striking experience , and have doubled down to see
what could be done before we aged too far to try.
These are the things I am aware of , from those I've known , from those who've
stopped to talk to me or written , from those victims in the news.
Having a more than passing sense of these things in other's lives changes us,
saddens us, and weaves greater connection.
Being in good company in good times and bad is powerful medicine, that stuff of
commonality and unity.
Here in my small corner of the cosmos ,I wake up and get things set for my
beloved and gather up the pup.
I deliver my husband to his wonderful employ, and then quietly return once more
to the farmers' fields.
Where the energy of the day will be used up, and well, on the sun and the wind
and the recent rains . On the variated songs of birds and the stunning height
of elegant pale green waving grasses. On watching day to day the hard efforts
now of the farmers.
If one is blessed enough to have mandatory rest without being hungry, and live
a necessary quiet life without recourse, then this is a dream come true.
So I walk a bit as the pup races about, and today comes to surprise a young
Wild Turkey Hen at her breakfast , who efficiently swoops her glistening soft
ochre self up into the trees, while he leaps high in wonder , and then somehow
knows to give it up.
As a hawk overhead steals a newly hatched sparrow for their own young's meal.
As the plants and trees of the outwaters of the river , roots sunk deep in rich
silted soil, grow like crazy . And I turn about to go back, telling myself
" All this! And it isn't even Summer. "