But there was a small woods, with sunken areas that fill with water come spring, come rainy weather. And there was rustling in the underbrush, so even with a leash on, we wandered about, so that he could think he was sniffing out rabbit, chipmunk, squirrel, or more, as he leapt in the air, pouncing.
By my feet were small errantly grown corn plants, with miniature corn, small luxurious red cornsilk extending from the tops. The thick mud of all the river silt beneath the weeds, as we explored here and there.
When suddenly, overhead, came such an enormous pounding and pounding, that I truly expected to see some sort of raccoon sized animal, so loud was it. So we turned about,looking up into the old growth limbs, until I finally set my eyes upon a glorious large Pileated woodpecker, Their red crest at the top of a smallish head, narrow neck, the crest blazing.
And so yes, there they were, working away at this limb, about the size of a crow. These beings create homes for themselves after feeding, that end up sheltering a great many other creatures for years and years.
After Dante gazed at them for a while up there making all that noise, and I did, then, satisfied, we turned, and went back home.
( not my photo)