Sometimes you're a two
footed who gets very close to a fourfooted. Maybe they go from being a baby or
you being new to each other, to knowing each other and having such love.
Sometimes you forget what it's like to be them, and you feed them well and hug good
morning and bring them for walks and scrub that water dish and give them
good-for-you treats when reminding them how to cool out and manage well. But
kind of being elsewhere. And then how they look at you and behave does this
magnificent thing of bringing you right back to yourself.
And sometimes they get much bigger and a bit older and warm weather hits and their jowls are older and it's hot out, and after walks or during car rides, they drool.
Not like a Saint Bernard or a Mastiff, but they begin to and they do.
Suddenly you're going down the road with the massive head of one you love right next to yours, being close and doing the adventure and being hot and happy, and slowly you realize you should not leave your water bottle there.
Slowly you realize it's hot out even if the car is cool ,and between the seats is now often drooley ,and now , yup, it's your arm.
And you realize that while the idea could have seemed really really gross no matter when, still, here you are, out in the world on the wonderful day you've both been given, drooley arm and all, with one you love.
And sometimes they get much bigger and a bit older and warm weather hits and their jowls are older and it's hot out, and after walks or during car rides, they drool.
Not like a Saint Bernard or a Mastiff, but they begin to and they do.
Suddenly you're going down the road with the massive head of one you love right next to yours, being close and doing the adventure and being hot and happy, and slowly you realize you should not leave your water bottle there.
Slowly you realize it's hot out even if the car is cool ,and between the seats is now often drooley ,and now , yup, it's your arm.
And you realize that while the idea could have seemed really really gross no matter when, still, here you are, out in the world on the wonderful day you've both been given, drooley arm and all, with one you love.