Some of us were lefties when we had kids and raised kids.Some of us were brought up to ostensibly Question Authority, and Treat Others as You Would Be Treated.
My parents certainly rued the way they taught us to protest and be involved in politics and the Civil Rights Movement, because off some of us went, really and truly doing that. Questioning Authority.
And we here taught our kids to question authority, forgetting that we would actually be a big Authority in their lives.
Somewhere is a photo of my oldest, at 3, with an EAT THE RICH1 T shirt on. And I can't complain, nor pretend surprise, that he's off there, working a million hour weeks, nicely embedded in the upper class.
Thing is, somehow in the midst of many of us studying and observing and trying our very best to do whatever it took to parent our beloved kids the very best we could, we ended up, despite limit setting and stern loving guidance, pandering.
Looking back, I wouldn't' shift it.At the time, I wasn't certain, but I'd been raised in less than favorable circumstance, so I consciously decided to err on the side of trust. Of kindness and love and empathy. And if I fell prey to kid-type manipulation and stretching things, so be it.
I had an idea that I would look back and have that good old 20-20 hindsight, and here I am, today, smack in the middle of observing the Millennials storming the Trump convention. I'm watching the kids down the road have their gun and pickup truck gatherings and cook outs and kid fun.I'm watching my own kids learn how to navigate grad school or a good solid work life without finishing high school and making their way pretty beautifully, after some pretty bumpy times.
I'm wondering what it's like to be all kinds of young people, urged into
certain lives by parents and loved ones, and then finding their own way the
best they can, into all sorts of ways of living, all over the world, doing what
they can with what they have.Learning to trust their own perceptions.
Here in the US, however, there is a whole lot of Millenial going on. And yeah, Baby Boomers have their schtick too. But how fascinating, to watch the generation that was provided with their individual breakfast depending on what they wanted that day, going around having their very=just=for=me coffees and maybe expecting things to be just so, any minute now.
Here in the US, however, there is a whole lot of Millenial going on. And yeah, Baby Boomers have their schtick too. But how fascinating, to watch the generation that was provided with their individual breakfast depending on what they wanted that day, going around having their very=just=for=me coffees and maybe expecting things to be just so, any minute now.