Different ways we move along. So many variations of devastating or beneficial circumstances, choices, and how the whole thing plays out.
Always, there are so many things we spend so much time yearning for, that, for the most part, we do not 'get' to 'have'.
But if we try some time, we just might fine that, the longer we are here, the more capable we can become at settling down with what we have at hand. And let the hobby of yearning pass away.
My own has been rendered into this small quiet thing. Every day I know more people for whom this is the experience they end up with.
Because I was a healthcare practitioner for so many years, and trained other people, mentored people and supported them, there are these remarkable people who consistently offer me support. Sessions. They are there for me. Something I never imagined.
They modify conditions , support other symptoms, pull everything together when it starts to implode, and when I am able, I pay them perhaps with one very small painting. Or a bouquet of wildflowers from down the street. A piece of writing I did the other day. Maybe a poem. A tiny bottle of aromatic oil.
The small things become gratitude i can hand them. That speaks to them, saying that I am so grateful for the difference they make in my life with their caring expertise.
when they have aligned my pain, soothed my nervous system, strengthened my organs and problematic joints and old injuries. Modified pain. Cooled out distress.
The funny thing is, this is my life's work. This is what I did for almost 30 years. It was my absolute puja and delight, often enough whether people had money or not. To soothe all these things, and help the person create stability and balance in life and health. It was an amazing thing to get to do. And now the task becomes receiving.
It seems this is often enough true for most of us, who are not in abject overwhelm from our life circumstances. We manage to care and extend ourselves and offer ourselves up to soothe and create balance in other's lives, the best we can. And then sometimes, time passes, and at times, though not always, we experience being on the receiving end.
Sometimes, as the years pass, it seems like so much of a musical chairs. Shifting about. the comings and goings. The letting go and then the embracing, of what new things arrive at our doorstep.
Such a sweet tough funny thing life sometimes can be.