Over the years, clients sometimes 'Come Down With' a condition...less, or more serious and challenging. "coming down with' meaning they heard something happening and found a practitioner who could detect it, they saw their doctor and got tests done, or it was subclinical (not showing up on tests) and then worsened and became detectable on tests. And when they do, sometimes in their contemplations it 'makes sense' to them, in terms of their present or past lifestyle, things they were exposed to, genetics, etc. Sometimes it makes no sense to them whatsoever.
They say " I eat like this and sleep well and don't use pesticides or Febreeze or Tylenol or regular cleansers. It's been years since i used birth control pills or etc. Why and HOW could I develop this condition?
And I say "Yes. Yes to all of that." Because that's how life is, sometimes.
Often there are factors we are unaware of - genetic predispositions are not certainty, merely tipping points. My grandmother developed ALS, so I really take care of my nervous system and peripheral nerves and circulation and stress as well as I can, it being a genetic possibility. Especially from a BAM event.
And yes, we do develop conditions. Sometimes serious ones. Sometimes life threatening ones. And when we do, we do the very best we can to problem solve
- who to tell,and when.
-what type of approach makes the most sense to us to cover the bases of our health needs as well as we can to attend specifically to what is happening, and respond in kind with known changes that are known to support what we need in order to detox safely and nourish the organs and systems that are challenged.
-we think carefully about testing- because who we are as an individual determines what our compromises will be. Some tests provide information while injuring the very areas that are challenges. Other times, something like a Mammogram, in lieu of other supports that are accurate and make sense to us, will give us vital information while really harming vulnerable tissue, and we take it. We take the tool for the information. Sometimes in order to survive.
But not all tests have the same cost/benefit ratio, and one of the biggest problems is the elephant in the room. May I introduce LIABILITY.
Liability impacts us by ensuring that a doctor suggests or urges testing or treatment that, if they did not, would endanger their license and/or hospital privileges. Tough call, right? Because there are commonly 'accepted' protocols for doctors, set by the AMA.
I once sat across from an Endocrinologist of great renown, after an operation and having medications suggested to me that were off the market a year later, due to dangers. He was suggesting the same. I leaned forward and said "Would you suggest your wife or daughter take this medication?" and he leaned forward and said "No."
Once I was seeing a series of neurologist with my 6 year old, who'd had a brain injury, had resulting seizure disorder, violence, pain, severe ADHD, and more. The doctor said "BEcause there was no period of unconsciousness, I cannot diagnose this as a Brain Injury."
Then he leaned forward....and said "Of course, you and I both know all these problems occurred after this injury..." leaned back (what is it with this leaning stuff?) and said "But in the field of neurology, no unconsciousness...no brain injury." Took me three doctors to find one who knew what they all know now, and work with me while I resolved the seizure disorder with sedating herbs and a Psychiatrist Homeopath who specialized in brain injury.
I know a very well respected and consulted with Radiologist who, when asked, thought that one X-ray was the limit of safety for each person per lifetime. Right? Wow.
So the path is murky, in terms of liability, and its important to try to be aware of the elephant in the room. Of what can be said and not said.
Thus, the number of complementary medicine or integrative medicine doctors who don't bother with hospital privileges, and explain that they are not your primary care physician, but your consulting physician. This gives them the freedom to practice in the way they know is best. In their experience.
Some doctors practice without accepting any insurance, to further free them from hours of wrangling, paying someone or a few someones full time to do the wrangling, and practice in the way they know is best. They regret the absolute accessibility of their practice to so many, but that is the cost of being able to practice that way that, I hope, all doctors will be allowed to practice, in 20 years.
Often, people go for western medicine treatment and fall into the illusion that testing and information is actually healing.
it may result in important information, and possibly life saving medications or surgical procedures you choose that may be vitally protective and helpful. But it may not.
So stay awake and aware. Don't hassle your doctors, but take the responsibility to research well the things you may want to do....to carefully and safely regain your health.
What path really covers the bases of your condition responsibly and effectively.
Many people come up with plans, and then see an integrative medicine doctor to check in, and see what they think of both the opinions of their PCP, specialists, any testing they have had, and their plan.
Many people have HAD procedures or treatment that benefits some things and harms others. It is of vital important to not stop there. It is of vital importance to realize that many toxic things have been put in your body, with your choice and embrace, supported important processed, and now really truly need to be cleaned out on an ongoing basis for the rest of your life. Really. The well moving stream.
Many people end up with so many conditions. And the first consideration is: Will they consider CHOOSING a cleansing diet? Not pretending 'Oh, I can't have that' or 'I have to do this', but rather, being an adult and making a choice. For their health and life. It is vital, if you have a serious health condition, or one that could become serious, to find the way to face that this is happening.
And then find the way to choose to significantly alter your diet. To at least ditch all the stream-clogging things. Sugar and flour of any kind and eggs and any dairy and meat. And begin figuring out what style of healing diet fits for you. Because there are many.
T hey all involve lots of steamed or sautéed fresh vegetables. They all involve certain fruits and not others. They all involve certain proteins. Good quality water.
And then, the bases MUST be covered.
I have seen so many clients who either felt that just believing they would get well, or spiritually connecting and get well, or wanting to get well....will do it. I have never seen this happen.
They say " I eat like this and sleep well and don't use pesticides or Febreeze or Tylenol or regular cleansers. It's been years since i used birth control pills or etc. Why and HOW could I develop this condition?
And I say "Yes. Yes to all of that." Because that's how life is, sometimes.
Often there are factors we are unaware of - genetic predispositions are not certainty, merely tipping points. My grandmother developed ALS, so I really take care of my nervous system and peripheral nerves and circulation and stress as well as I can, it being a genetic possibility. Especially from a BAM event.
And yes, we do develop conditions. Sometimes serious ones. Sometimes life threatening ones. And when we do, we do the very best we can to problem solve
- who to tell,and when.
-what type of approach makes the most sense to us to cover the bases of our health needs as well as we can to attend specifically to what is happening, and respond in kind with known changes that are known to support what we need in order to detox safely and nourish the organs and systems that are challenged.
-we think carefully about testing- because who we are as an individual determines what our compromises will be. Some tests provide information while injuring the very areas that are challenges. Other times, something like a Mammogram, in lieu of other supports that are accurate and make sense to us, will give us vital information while really harming vulnerable tissue, and we take it. We take the tool for the information. Sometimes in order to survive.
But not all tests have the same cost/benefit ratio, and one of the biggest problems is the elephant in the room. May I introduce LIABILITY.
Liability impacts us by ensuring that a doctor suggests or urges testing or treatment that, if they did not, would endanger their license and/or hospital privileges. Tough call, right? Because there are commonly 'accepted' protocols for doctors, set by the AMA.
I once sat across from an Endocrinologist of great renown, after an operation and having medications suggested to me that were off the market a year later, due to dangers. He was suggesting the same. I leaned forward and said "Would you suggest your wife or daughter take this medication?" and he leaned forward and said "No."
Once I was seeing a series of neurologist with my 6 year old, who'd had a brain injury, had resulting seizure disorder, violence, pain, severe ADHD, and more. The doctor said "BEcause there was no period of unconsciousness, I cannot diagnose this as a Brain Injury."
Then he leaned forward....and said "Of course, you and I both know all these problems occurred after this injury..." leaned back (what is it with this leaning stuff?) and said "But in the field of neurology, no unconsciousness...no brain injury." Took me three doctors to find one who knew what they all know now, and work with me while I resolved the seizure disorder with sedating herbs and a Psychiatrist Homeopath who specialized in brain injury.
I know a very well respected and consulted with Radiologist who, when asked, thought that one X-ray was the limit of safety for each person per lifetime. Right? Wow.
So the path is murky, in terms of liability, and its important to try to be aware of the elephant in the room. Of what can be said and not said.
Thus, the number of complementary medicine or integrative medicine doctors who don't bother with hospital privileges, and explain that they are not your primary care physician, but your consulting physician. This gives them the freedom to practice in the way they know is best. In their experience.
Some doctors practice without accepting any insurance, to further free them from hours of wrangling, paying someone or a few someones full time to do the wrangling, and practice in the way they know is best. They regret the absolute accessibility of their practice to so many, but that is the cost of being able to practice that way that, I hope, all doctors will be allowed to practice, in 20 years.
Often, people go for western medicine treatment and fall into the illusion that testing and information is actually healing.
it may result in important information, and possibly life saving medications or surgical procedures you choose that may be vitally protective and helpful. But it may not.
So stay awake and aware. Don't hassle your doctors, but take the responsibility to research well the things you may want to do....to carefully and safely regain your health.
What path really covers the bases of your condition responsibly and effectively.
Many people come up with plans, and then see an integrative medicine doctor to check in, and see what they think of both the opinions of their PCP, specialists, any testing they have had, and their plan.
Many people have HAD procedures or treatment that benefits some things and harms others. It is of vital important to not stop there. It is of vital importance to realize that many toxic things have been put in your body, with your choice and embrace, supported important processed, and now really truly need to be cleaned out on an ongoing basis for the rest of your life. Really. The well moving stream.
Many people end up with so many conditions. And the first consideration is: Will they consider CHOOSING a cleansing diet? Not pretending 'Oh, I can't have that' or 'I have to do this', but rather, being an adult and making a choice. For their health and life. It is vital, if you have a serious health condition, or one that could become serious, to find the way to face that this is happening.
And then find the way to choose to significantly alter your diet. To at least ditch all the stream-clogging things. Sugar and flour of any kind and eggs and any dairy and meat. And begin figuring out what style of healing diet fits for you. Because there are many.
T hey all involve lots of steamed or sautéed fresh vegetables. They all involve certain fruits and not others. They all involve certain proteins. Good quality water.
And then, the bases MUST be covered.
I have seen so many clients who either felt that just believing they would get well, or spiritually connecting and get well, or wanting to get well....will do it. I have never seen this happen.
Faith and meditation and spirituality and prayer are vital. But from my experience, we need much more.
I have seen so many people with serious health conditions continue to work hard and run around and not be selective with what they spend their energy on, so that the extra energy can be used by the body to get well.
I have seen so many people with serious health conditions continue to work hard and run around and not be selective with what they spend their energy on, so that the extra energy can be used by the body to get well.
Our bodies NEED all the energy they can get; cooled out relaxed as possible (in the face of great difficulty) energy, so it can steal that stuff and HEAL your organs and systems.
If we want to approach health, and we want to get rid of the leftovers of treatments that were, at times, lifesaving, we really truly need to look at our kidneys and livers and lymphatic systems and so on, and learn from careful research or with experienced practitioner help, how to utilize a protocol that responsibly and effectively detects and covers those bases, so that we can BE that strong, nourished, well moving stream.
If we want to approach health, and we want to get rid of the leftovers of treatments that were, at times, lifesaving, we really truly need to look at our kidneys and livers and lymphatic systems and so on, and learn from careful research or with experienced practitioner help, how to utilize a protocol that responsibly and effectively detects and covers those bases, so that we can BE that strong, nourished, well moving stream.