It was such a beautiful
thing, watching my kids, in the midst of something tough, learning to bring
awareness to their observation of themselves. Learning that their hopes or
fears weren't what was happening . Their hoping and fearing was happening. And
beneath that was the real gist of things.
Acknowledging speculation or fear mongering got it out of the way, so thy could deal with what was truly at hand. Worrying and fretting about things that were not happening is an avoidance technique we all fall into, that ends up ramping up our actual deal.
It is the coolest thing, watching yourself or someone else settle down and get real.
Acknowledging speculation or fear mongering got it out of the way, so thy could deal with what was truly at hand. Worrying and fretting about things that were not happening is an avoidance technique we all fall into, that ends up ramping up our actual deal.
It is the coolest thing, watching yourself or someone else settle down and get real.