Please say a little prayer- for an abandoned young dog. Looked in my kitchen window today- all ribs and injured leg, so skittish could not get near . Is eating the food I put out for the stray cat- tiny like a tan and white Beagle- old collar , no tags.
Called police and Mitch's Marina- turns out everyone in the neighborhood has tried to approach this small young one. He thought it was a hunter's dog, abandoned.
I told him I'll make a little shelter from the elements, and put out dog food during the day, when the Coywolves aren't around.
If the young dog eats enough before it gets freezing, at least they may survive the elements.
So yeah, poor sweet thing- say a good fat prayer for the very best, which, in life, who are we to know what that is ?

Re:; the little lost dog-
Nice that it's warm-ish and has stopped raining today.
After the little dog ate all the food last night, I put another big bowl out this morning, with water, before driving my beloved to work. When I got back? Gone. Great!
As I walked around behind my house, out in the field, was the little dog, limping across.
I called to them, and they stopped for a moment, and looked at me, before limping along.
So at least they 're associating my smell and my voice and what I look like, with their new food source.
I went to the store and bought a large plastic container to put outside, upside down, and cut a doorway in it. Put a blanket in it.
Sure, it would be nice if they decided to take shelter in there if it got cold, but the coyotes to go by here. The real purpose is to slowly move it toward their new food source, desensitizing them to it behaviorally. Having them come back over and over and over again, fattening up, while I look around for a place that will loan me a dog cage that traps them.
Then I'll have the food next to the cage, then in the cage a little bit, then all the way in the cage, and then after that, I'll set the trap.
I'll check craigslist today, to see if anyone has reported a lost dog, but no one called the police or animal control. There are no tags.
I have someone lined up who wants the dog, A really nice young guy who works at Dave's Soda and Pet Food City.
I went down to Mitch's Marina, to the guy spoke to on the phone yesterday , to help me cut the doorway in the plastic container, as it was thicker than I anticipated.
And I wanted to meet him. We had a great time talking.
He helps the guy who started the food bank farm deliver vegetables on their bicycles, even in the winter. Just because of believing in that. Runs the marina now.
He said that the whole neighborhood was rooting for me managing to save this dog.
He said the world has a lot of suffering, but if you can do one small thing, that's a good thing.
The Dakin no kill shelter is considering lettingme borrow their very expensive one dog trap cage that they don't lend out. Looking good for it.
And the warmer weather should hold for this week .
Sure was nice to see that little one crossing the field this morning, and chowing down so well.
Thanks for your prayers.