Friday 12.9.16 FB video
How we manage our day is up to us.
How we manage our tasks and relations and responsibilities and grave great current concerns necessitates resourcefulness and great gorgeous interdependence.
How we acknowledge that which is happening, which we know is not good stuff, while making the effort in our own day we are given ,to retain trust in those things we know are of value, while keeping on, is up to all of us.
Reframing and choosing how much of what to expose ourselves to, while hoping to be informed to a certain extent, is wise and sustainable and sets limits for our own sense of decency and honor and protects our health and well being.
So,know and remember this.
There are so many of us here.
So many feel so overwhelmed and worried and desperate and ready to try anything.
Others still understand and are committed to seeking out information and equity and civil rights for all; and historical perspective.
And understand to a certain extent the long view, the long cycles of change in life and nations.
Let us support each other and know we're not alone in our quest for respect and social and economic justice for all. For the sanctity of the earth and sustainable living wages. For equal opportunities and job training and education and safe work places.
That this and justice and well being for all are never mutually exclusive.
That opportunists and charlatans will always be making their inroads.
That at the end of the day, you will have peace, knowing your goodness and your honor.
Do unto others, that others do unto you.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
12.8.16 FB video
Thursday 12.8.16 FB video
Some days are easier than others.
Some days we seem to settle from recent difficulty, and somehow there is a sense of a reprieve, of more room to move and to breathe.
We seem more adept at realizing our choices, and making them well.
When that sense of things arrived on the scene, it's not something I immediately get that's happening.
Sometimes it takes awhile before I notice that nothing is feeling packed in. Or acute.
I look around and it all looks the same.
And it's then that I realize I myself shifted, and by that shift, all seems a bit easy and open to so much possibility in this here moment I'm in.
Some days are easier than others.
Some days we seem to settle from recent difficulty, and somehow there is a sense of a reprieve, of more room to move and to breathe.
We seem more adept at realizing our choices, and making them well.
When that sense of things arrived on the scene, it's not something I immediately get that's happening.
Sometimes it takes awhile before I notice that nothing is feeling packed in. Or acute.
I look around and it all looks the same.
And it's then that I realize I myself shifted, and by that shift, all seems a bit easy and open to so much possibility in this here moment I'm in.
12.8.16 FB video
Thursday 12.8.16 FB video
Some days are easier than others. Some days we seem to settle from recent difficulty, and somehow there is a sense of a reprieve, of more room to move and to breathe. We seem more adept at realizing our choices, and making them well. When that sense of things arrived on the scene, it's not something I immediately get that's happening. Sometimes it takes awhile before I notice that nothing is feeling packed in. Or acute. I look around and it all looks the same. And it's then that I realize I myself shifted, and by that shift, all seems a bit easy and open to so much possibility in this here moment I'm in.
Some days are easier than others. Some days we seem to settle from recent difficulty, and somehow there is a sense of a reprieve, of more room to move and to breathe. We seem more adept at realizing our choices, and making them well. When that sense of things arrived on the scene, it's not something I immediately get that's happening. Sometimes it takes awhile before I notice that nothing is feeling packed in. Or acute. I look around and it all looks the same. And it's then that I realize I myself shifted, and by that shift, all seems a bit easy and open to so much possibility in this here moment I'm in.
12.8.16 Four footed folly
Thursday Four Footed Folly
This cat wants to kiss and cuddle,
the pup yearns to dart and prance and nibble.
But slowly, they find their way.
Post-election distress relief
This cat wants to kiss and cuddle,
the pup yearns to dart and prance and nibble.
But slowly, they find their way.
Post-election distress relief
12.7.16 FB video
Wednesday FB video
Not too warm and yet not too cold, for early December around here, the light snowfall from the night before sitting pretty all over everything when we woke. Some persistent alarm and overwhelm for the nation, mixed with flurries and dark clouds. He had a long long Boston day, while I tiredly ran the dog by driving the car down the farmers fields, then walking a bit, throwing balls and breathing deep and taking a break from thinking at all. The grass thick and green beneath the small snows, the Goshawk flying by in their now familiar fashion. As we each go about our day.
12.6.16 FB video
Tuesday 12.6.16
I've been doing this funny thing I came to, a kind of reframing, where I imagine my life today as if I were now 84. And not 64.
I am suddenly amazed I feel this well, am this strong and healthy, this flexible.
Instead of everything seeming not quite enough; my health, my determination, my efforts, my time here, instead it feels remarkably lucky and full.
It feels incredible that I've done ok this long, I find myself feeling blessed with my riches of experience. And I ask myself ,what it is I most want to relish today.
I am suddenly amazed I feel this well, am this strong and healthy, this flexible.
Instead of everything seeming not quite enough; my health, my determination, my efforts, my time here, instead it feels remarkably lucky and full.
It feels incredible that I've done ok this long, I find myself feeling blessed with my riches of experience. And I ask myself ,what it is I most want to relish today.
12.9.16 We all awaken
We all awaken, get out of our beds, and begin on our days. Here, I stumble from the shower, pull on clothes, and veer out the door into the cold awaiting car, to go grab some carrots and apples and cabbage for the juicing.
Far down the street, the next-door neighbors have left for work, his kid brother I imagine is on the school bus. The Trump signs taken down.
Further down the street, the small collie is out on the rope, The barricades to the driveway up. When they come home, they move things and drive through the backyard.
Further down, the neighbor has their golf course out-front, with Santa Claus sitting in it, and all sorts of decorations up.
I smile to myself, remembering when I was younger and snotty, judgmental. Sometimes when we're here long enough, all that snotty stuff dissolves into simple observation. Or even delight, and how different people are moved to do different things.
The neighbor with the beautiful enormous front ramp, that was covered with remarkable flowers and decorations all summer, has of course clean things up. Every day you see a plume of smoke from his wood-burning stove inching up through the skies. Sometimes when I drive by, I see him practicing walking on his brand-new prosthetic leg.
Further down the road with the hustle and bustle of the day, there are so many cars. But having once commuted from Westchester County, New York,to Yonkers every day, I know. I know this is nothing here.
The early-morning clouds have cleared out for the most part, except high on the horizon. Here, we are in a valley, and wherever you look, there are hills or small mountains surrounding.
By now, the fan in the car is pushing warm air toward me, my wet head not so chilled. And the sun shines out, low in the sky, glaring, with its warmth. It's light. It's life.

Zoom zoom.

Far down the street, the next-door neighbors have left for work, his kid brother I imagine is on the school bus. The Trump signs taken down.
Further down the street, the small collie is out on the rope, The barricades to the driveway up. When they come home, they move things and drive through the backyard.
Further down, the neighbor has their golf course out-front, with Santa Claus sitting in it, and all sorts of decorations up.
I smile to myself, remembering when I was younger and snotty, judgmental. Sometimes when we're here long enough, all that snotty stuff dissolves into simple observation. Or even delight, and how different people are moved to do different things.
The neighbor with the beautiful enormous front ramp, that was covered with remarkable flowers and decorations all summer, has of course clean things up. Every day you see a plume of smoke from his wood-burning stove inching up through the skies. Sometimes when I drive by, I see him practicing walking on his brand-new prosthetic leg.
Further down the road with the hustle and bustle of the day, there are so many cars. But having once commuted from Westchester County, New York,to Yonkers every day, I know. I know this is nothing here.
The early-morning clouds have cleared out for the most part, except high on the horizon. Here, we are in a valley, and wherever you look, there are hills or small mountains surrounding.
By now, the fan in the car is pushing warm air toward me, my wet head not so chilled. And the sun shines out, low in the sky, glaring, with its warmth. It's light. It's life.

Zoom zoom.

12.8.16 The rushing river
Out along the rushing river

12.8.16 Night
Down by the Eagle Sanctuary the sky
was turning all colors before the
night finally arrived.
was turning all colors before the
night finally arrived.

12.8.16 As the ground chills

Out in the mild December day,
letting the news of the world register a bit,
and then slough off.
As the ground chills and the coats of wild ones thicken,
and the time of the sleeping land begins.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
12.7.16 Out front
in the early morning light of a not-too-cold-yet day,
I shuffle in my nightgown and easy slipped-on sandals
prompted by the early arrivals, all looking in the window,
all urging me forth with such easy peasy meals they can't believe it,
the new young ones, all shocked as heck at the cold nights that haven't even
shown their true colors yet. At the crowding into bird houses, those that can,
and hitting up the feeder early as can be, for some crazy easy pickings all laid out
for all to see.

I shuffle in my nightgown and easy slipped-on sandals
prompted by the early arrivals, all looking in the window,
all urging me forth with such easy peasy meals they can't believe it,
the new young ones, all shocked as heck at the cold nights that haven't even
shown their true colors yet. At the crowding into bird houses, those that can,
and hitting up the feeder early as can be, for some crazy easy pickings all laid out
for all to see.

12.7.16 On tired days,
on burdened days, on days borne from not good sleep, I drive alongside the farmers fields , while the Shepherd runs.
And then on we go, on a small peaceful walk, throwing balls and following tracks and listening to the wild wind songs.

And then on we go, on a small peaceful walk, throwing balls and following tracks and listening to the wild wind songs.

12.7.16 That thing
The thing about a whirlpool in life
is that the spinning just feels like a dance.
As the chilled air blows past us, as our feet crunch in the snow, as the skies turn
one color after another after another, as the quiet wind blows.
is that the spinning just feels like a dance.
As the chilled air blows past us, as our feet crunch in the snow, as the skies turn
one color after another after another, as the quiet wind blows.

12.6.16 Not too much
snow yet for the race, the slide and the grab.
And then?
The delectable snow eating.

And then?
The delectable snow eating.

12.6.16 Perhaps
The Maple buds are growing for next spring, even as winter descends.
Up in the tree, a hummingbird nest, or perhaps oriole.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
12.5.16 Here and then there
Bido Bee and me, wandering about the lovely ancient conservation field, now that snow buffers us from the ticks. Absolutely breathtaking, as the foothill meanders down to the river far below.
My boyo and I, out back, as the sun takes its leave of us ,
arriving somewhere else.
My boyo and I, out back, as the sun takes its leave of us ,
arriving somewhere else.

12.5.16 No matter
Outside Planet Fitness
no matter the whole nation/ earth thing, there was one beautiful
woo-hah going on.

12.5.16 One shining crow
One shining Crow far overhead
calling from the treetops
as we walk the cold dirt river road
on the dark beautiful morning
we are given.

12.3.16 Breathing
A dear friend has finished plasticing the windows of our house.
So after a morning of our errands, it was a fall-over in-bed rest for the duration.
I lay here, thinking about our nation, the world.
The windows buffeted out, then in. Out, in. My house was breathing.
So I lay here, breathing with my house.
Saying small words and thoughts and prayers for us all.

12.3.16 It's a beautiful sound
Around here, in fall and almost winter, comes warbling across the valleys and over small mountains the plaintive hoot of the train.
Sending out its' woo woo, that drops off each time , sounding half hearted and not wholly certain.
It's a beautiful sound, always a welcome surprise, that says that, why yes, the leaves have for the most part all fallen, and the air thinned and chilled, so the sound shall now wibble its sweet way on over to us.
Sending out its' woo woo, that drops off each time , sounding half hearted and not wholly certain.
It's a beautiful sound, always a welcome surprise, that says that, why yes, the leaves have for the most part all fallen, and the air thinned and chilled, so the sound shall now wibble its sweet way on over to us.

12/3,,5/16 FB videos
12.3.16 Saturday
I got down at the farmers fields, parked the car with the dog whining to get out, out on our walk and run, and there was the elegant goshawk, taking agile flight from the tree overhead, flying swiftly across the field, past the oasis of old growth trees, flying out through the trees by the river, and then far beyond.
12.5.16 Monday
It was a nice day, a smoothly running day. 39 years together, and the blessed 24 hours of the day. His work and my taking-care-of-things and kid texts and calls and friends and workouts and dog walks and a yummy new Vietnamese stir fry recipe and darkness falling upon a snowy hilly conservation field, as the coyotes began roaming and the golden moon rose.
I got down at the farmers fields, parked the car with the dog whining to get out, out on our walk and run, and there was the elegant goshawk, taking agile flight from the tree overhead, flying swiftly across the field, past the oasis of old growth trees, flying out through the trees by the river, and then far beyond.
12.5.16 Monday
It was a nice day, a smoothly running day. 39 years together, and the blessed 24 hours of the day. His work and my taking-care-of-things and kid texts and calls and friends and workouts and dog walks and a yummy new Vietnamese stir fry recipe and darkness falling upon a snowy hilly conservation field, as the coyotes began roaming and the golden moon rose.
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