One of the most accessible things people can do for their liver is to eat ground up Milk Thistle seeds. In Apple sauce is delicious. And why, you may ask, would you do this? The answer is-it's affordable, and the impact on your health is huge.
Don't buy ground up milk thistle, or flax, for that matter. Both of them are pretty useless if they're not refrigerated or frozen immediately after grinding.
Use a coffee grinder.
Milk thistle seed is a seed. So it's closer to food than supplement.
You buy the seeds, grind them in your poor coffee grinder, and add a little pinch to some applesauce. You work up to maybe 2 teaspoons a day.
Milk thistle begins to recirculate through your bloodstream over and over again.
It's standing guard, protecting your liver from your medications, fumes, pesticides, chemicals, and every single day as it's protecting , it's fostering a healthier more rapid growth of new liver cells.
It's tough for livers. Baby livers. Delivers. Dog ,cat ,duck and horse livers.
There are so many human made contaminants in our world that our bodies genetically are not designed to break down into little tiny pieces and get out of our bodies.
Every bank kiosk. Every grocery store. The smell in a tire store ? A shoe store?
So they stay. You have no idea. And the portal, the exit strategy for your body for all of these-is the liver.what it processes well then goes into your bowel movements. Which is another story.
When you go to natural food store and buy milk thistle seeds, it's just so that you can check them out. You get your applesauce.
When you find that it's tolerable, and you read a little bit about milk thistle, you can then order organic from Jeans Greens or Mountain Rose Herbs. Or anywhere else you want.
A pound often runs about 25 bucks, lasts you a really long time.
You can grind it all up ( don't get your coffee grinder's little engine too hot) and stick it in your freezer if you want.
Have an evening treat after dinner, of organic applesauce and milk thistle.
The expensive milk thistle you buy at the store in capsules-is the alcohol tincture, soaked back into the dry seats. It's fine. So is the tincture.
But the ground up milk thistle is far less expensive, and has a far wider range of powerful impact upon you.
So if you can, try out eating some in your applesauce as your evening treat.
But after you go to bed, it's the livers turn, out of the whole 24 hours of your day, 11 PM to 2 AM, it's Liver processing time. It begins to work. (It really likes you to be asleep during that time.)
And what it does is it sits there, working away, breaking down all the crap that you ran into during the day. Car exhaust, horrible oils in crap food, laserprinter toxins, medications, you name it.
So it's kind of nice to make your liver your friend.
Give it a chance. To balance your hormones, to help you live longer, to metabolize and get rid of toxins from your body. To prevent depression and fatigue frequent illness.
And if it's working well, your bloodstream is pretty darn clean, and then when it runs by your heart! And your kidneys! And that sore shoulder joint of yours, it cleans crap out of those places.
When your liver is challenged, which is way before it shows up on a test, (most livers are kind of challenged) it goes around your body like a stream full of crap.
Delivering that crap into your heart, your kidneys, that sore shoulder joint, anywhere that's a little murky and stuck in your body.
And then those places inflame, and get gooey, and begin having challenges.
Does that make sense?
There are many beautiful supplements herbs that have all different ways for supporting a liver.
Livers don't necessarily like cleanses. If you don't have too much junk in you, they can be very beneficial. But for many people, a cleanse, as opposed to doing something on an ongoing basis, is like getting kicked in the gut.
Milk thistle is the least expensive most food-like powerful protection that you can provide for your liver.
Does that make sense to you?
Good. Go check it out!
your poor coffee grinder, and add a little pinch to say applesauce. You got to work up to maybe 2 teaspoons a day.
Milk thistle begins to recirculate through your bloodstream over and over again.
It's standing guard, protecting your liver from your medications, fumes, pesticides, chemicals, and every single day as it's protecting , it's fostering a healthier more rapid growth of new liver cells.
It's tough for levers. Baby livers. Delivers. Dog ,cat ,duck and horse livers.
There are so many human made contaminants in our world that our bodies genetically are not designed to break down into little tiny pieces and get out of our bodies.
So they stay. You have no idea. And the portal, the exit strategy for your body for all of these-is the liver.
When you go to natural food store and buy milk thistle seeds, it's just so that you can check them out. When you find that it's tolerable, and you read a little bit about milk thistle, you can then order organic from Jeans Greens or Mountain Rose Herbs. Or anywhere else you want.
A pound often runs about 25 bucks, lasts you a really long time.
You can grind it all up ( don't get your coffee grinder's little engine too hot) and stick it in your freezer if you want. Have an evening treat after dinner, of organic applesauce and milk thistle.
The expensive milk thistle you buy at the store in capsules-is the alcohol tincture, soaked back into the dry seats. It's fine. So is the tincture.
But the ground up milk thistle is far less expensive, and has a far wider range of powerful impact upon you.
So if you can, try out eating some in your applesauce as your evening treat.
But after you go to bed, it's the livers turn, and of the whole 24 hours of your day, 11 PM to 2 AM, it's Liver processing time. It begins to work. It really likes you to be asleep during that time.
And what it does is it sits there, working away, breaking down all the crap that you Breuster ran into during the day. Car exhaust, horrible wills in crap food, laserprinter toxins, medications, you name it. So it's kind of nice to make your liver your friend.
Give it a chance. To balance your hormones, to hope you live longer, to metabolize and get rid of toxins from your body. To prevent depression and fatigue frequent illness.
And is working well, your bloodstream is pretty darn clean, and then when it runs by your heart! And your kidneys! And that sore shoulder joint of yours, it cleans crap out of those places. When your liver is challenge, which is way before it shows up on a test, most livers are kind of challenge, it goes around your body full of crap. Delivering that crap into your heart, your kidneys, that sure shoulder joint, anywhere that's a little murky and stuck in your body.
And then those places inflame, and get gooey, and begin having challenges.
Does that make sense?
There are many beautiful supplements herbs that were all different ways for supporting a liver.
Hers don't necessarily like cleanses. If you don't have too much junk in you, they can be very beneficial. But for many people, a cleanse, as opposed to doing something on an ongoing basis, is like getting kicked in the gut.
Milk thistle is the least expensive most food like powerful protection that you anything to do with your liver.
Does that make sense to you?
Go check it out!
Eh disclaimer
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products or this health education is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your informed integrative or holistic medical practitioner before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any products. Never consider using any supplement while pregnant, or even breast feeding, or anti-coagulants before being well informed. Consult your informed medical practitioner prior to any exercise, dietary , or supplemental use if you have a serious medical condition. It is your responsibility, and yours alone, to become a responsible, informed individual who thinks carefully before acting upon Health Education information.