Not every workplace is amenable to people stretching or, on your break, walking outside to breath clean ( hopefully) or at least more oxygen - rich air.
But both these things, done in small unobtrusiveincrements, can help ensure you ability to retain focus, your workplace satisfaction, and together with bringing in nourishing protein rich snacks for mid morning and mid afternoon , protect you from the allure of coffee , vending machines, someone 's leftover cake, donuts ! And all.
Just walk away, Renee.
You may have to stretch in the bathroom. So be it. Do what you can so that
-you feel good about your job
- you eagerly look forward to your own delicious nutritious brain and energy supporting snacks
-your energy level is fueled so you don't slump and twist and set your neck and back and shoulders and arms up for pain and problems .
Stroll to that water cooler.
Go walk to get some supplies. Get your work done, but break it up.
And create little things to look forward to during your day.
Find little relaxation apps and bring your phone and ear buds into the bathroom. Close your eyes and be in Aruba for 2 minutes.
Stretch as well as you can.
Then return to work, rejuvenated, and
leave at the end of the day, not exhausted, coffee-ed up and junked up,
but feeling pretty good and good about yourself and your life.
supportive little biddy apps for your phone
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