As a way of exerting dominance over those perceived to have diminished power, we trivialize others- and when it comes to older people , we trivialize their sexuality, and the ways they express themselves.
We ridicule them , to their face or behind their backs, for BEING older, for experiencing the inevitable aspects of aging.
We disregard their wisdom , are impatient with their stories , the pace at which they eventually speak and walk and think.
When we as a culture do this, we create a culture of disrespect , of undermining the irreplaceable wisdom of experience - no matter race, class , or gender.
We misunderstand value, and in so doing, come to fear our own aging.
We ridicule them , to their face or behind their backs, for BEING older, for experiencing the inevitable aspects of aging.
We disregard their wisdom , are impatient with their stories , the pace at which they eventually speak and walk and think.
When we as a culture do this, we create a culture of disrespect , of undermining the irreplaceable wisdom of experience - no matter race, class , or gender.
We misunderstand value, and in so doing, come to fear our own aging.

So it seems really important as we age to learn the mannerisms of the Alpha-so that others don't dare behave or assume things. I know many older people who are so kindhearted, and very powerful alphas. Francis Crowe is one. Lessons to be learned.
So often I watch my clients loose the energy to BE in themselves with their power , in relation to others.Cats by instinct begin to keep the older more frail cat from the food. For them, it's really not personal.
I think we need to decide to locate and exercise our sense of SELF, of POWER , as we age. Our connection to who we KNOW we are, especially as we grow more frail, should we be lucky enough to be here long enough.
And train our loved ones about this ahead of time.
So that they promise to remember that if we cannot eventually hear well, speak well, think fast, remember well , or move independently, still within, we will be the very same .
I'm going to ask my children to promise to try to remember this.
And do search and rescue to remind me,should I lose track of my self and my rootedness and value and power through challenges , as I age.
It will be a loving request and reminder posted on my kitchen cabinet, not because I don't think they will honor it, but because it's so hard to remember it, in this culture. Us, AND them.

I think our own fear is the origin of devaluing others. I think we project it upon others with lack of insight, empathy, education and awareness, as a distancing mechanism. That leaves the 'other' , no matter the 'difference', isolated and without reasonable support and caring , at the expense of other's fears.which simply increase everyone's fear and isolation as a culture.
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