I drive past the house of neighbors I don't know, the husband newly in a wheelchair, this year. Their second car out front, with a For Sale sign. The new ramp winding from their front door down to the driveway in S curves.
The cop car, and then an ambulance , are parked outside the home of the older--than-me person, who last spring charged all around their yard and driveway with their walker and their oxygen tank, and gradually left off the need for the oxygen.
Down along route nine, I drive by the patch of land, wild, after a fire ripped through all of the small businesses, deep in the night, last spring. Every single one, burnt to the ground. The for sale sign is shining in the evening streetlights.
And I have A moment of recollection, of being in my 30s, so busy with three young kids, at navigating a private practice and marriage and finances and the toxic sweet sweet world.
And I observed all the very same things. Only seems like a lifetime or 20, away. From me. From whatever would happen to me.
But, this is the way of it. For all of us. Barest, oak trees, aunts, humans.
We have some peripheral awareness, of who we are. Our age. The place we are in a lifetime. Guesses on how long we will be here. And, an even farther away concept of aging. Of being done with this life.
Down here, I will arrive at the natural foods grocery store, where I will run in and get a big treat, easy peasy- home after day in Boston -salad bar.
I'll bring it on home, and greet my beloved, as he lies on the bed, reading,smiling.
We'll sit together, talking quietly, after I've handed the pup a big treat dog bone from the freezer, and he'll lie there next to us, all of us enjoying some of the really good things in life.
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