I swear, we were just driving by, the horse-phobic, bicycle-phobic, sheep-phobic, cow-phobic pup and I, the olde one fast asleep at home, on a task, when I began struggling to, yes, drive safely-

you know- full attention to the road, no gazing nor gaping at cloud formations or blustery delicious summer winds....when I was captivated by the deep green of the fields up ahead, and the cattle that now replaced the goat herd of late.

So I pulled over to my regular spot- curving the car about, on the dead-end street opposite the fields of this farm, put on flashers, shut all windows so that the cattle would not be bothered by the now rather nutso dog (who I work hard not to put in these situations, but for once, I chose to stop.

A small group, not too old, mixed sex, they were enjoying the day. Not many flies or insects bothering them, plentiful gorgeous grass, temperate evening, with a small Westerly wind.

They eyed me with curiosity, as I wandered closer, and one smaller one came near, while the young to be (?) bull looked skeptical, and pulled way from my hand. And yes, the smaller one was interested, then delighted at what a rub IS. And stood stock still, as I rubbed and scratched about their face and ears and jaw.
Then, the clouds rushed by and, except the passing clouds and the now-quieted dog in the car, there was really noone at all, it seemed, in the whole universe, save the trees and the stream slipping by down past the pathway, and the cattle who are not on some cattle farm off somewhere being fed corn, but here, in the valley, a few of them- growing up, grazing happily, then hunkering down to sleep - as the day draws to a close.
And I stood there, inhaling the sweet smell of summer, of winds from another place on earth, of dust of stars that we all know is fluttering down upon us day and night. Of our own star, up there, having BEEN born and having a LIFETIME so much bigger than ours, suspended in what stars do - have a solar system about them, orbiting; being part of a galaxy, of all things, that is part of a universe. Heady stuff.
I watched the cattle readying for the night, watched the clouds that had begun somewhere and were on their way out of town, closed my eyes, and imagined us all covered with universe dust. Part of endlessness and timelessness and somewherelessness, just all of us, having a life.

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