It was a wet walk; there was a BFF Malinois Shepherd, her butterscotch fur all tangled in his as they hurtled through the woods.
As we talked, of offspring and practices and writing,
the long dirt road unfurling before us- curving as New England roads do...

It was a wet walk; there was a BFF Malinois Shepherd, her butterscotch fur all tangled in his as they hurtled through the woods.
As we talked, of offspring and practices and writing,
the long dirt road unfurling before us-
curving as New England roads do...
And the rain paused while the pups raced and caught each other by the neck, she faster by quite a bit, til they'd
stop, all suddenly- pause, breathing hard, next to each other, just knowing how to do this: this dog thing,
unspoken, til suddenly some far off bell must've rung because off they went, like a shot,
tearing through the underbrush,

as we walked on, ah- we were both so
wild in younger days; now, so broken in and staid,
though she must be 10 years younger than I; still we
somehow fell in together.
And, well, literate and smart as a whip she is;
and young aggressive Shepherds need to wrestle so..
On we will go, the company such nascent frosting upon the cake .
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