And here within come the dark cold times of restoration. Of keeping warm, with our soft woolens and warm socks; and soups and broths and steaming stews, hot teas and miso, with warmth that seeps deep into our gut, our kidneys, our liver, our extremities, with delight; that nourish and temper and subdue.
Early evenings to replace giddy late summer dusk; still, the going out of doors to greet the day and register the changes, and above all, remain a part of the cycles that shall move through us, with us, or past us. Depending on our choice and awareness and predilection for , eyes open, engaging in that irretrievable sense of a found moment. Turning away from living our lives too busy and taken up, so that we lose. A moment. A lost day or week. A relationship.And wake, shaken, to find ourselves far far down our road.
As the seasons cycle through, interminably, with our small selves here, just for our walk-on bit part, so that each of our season of life- whatever yours or mine might be, is here for for it's embrace. For arm-in-arm walking through the wet rainy day, the wind swept woods; knowing deeply those who matter, right now, in the important time, this moment.
And then knowing our selves; not losing track, nor waking with that heart rending communique- of disconnect. No; far better to remain in pace with the season and the time of life and those we choose to know, and our own honorable movements through our days.
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