I can deal with difference. I can deal with varying viewpoints.
It's just that somehow, today , I can't deal with the full Monty reality of how long our country has subverted other countries, lied, killed , cheated, abandoned , made false promises, ripped everything of value from other countries and cultures and then abandoned and criticized and intentionally made them pariahs.
I can't deal with our long history of doing horrible bullying terrible treatment if others and then whine and complain when we ourselves are targeted, as if it were not absolutely predictable by any idiot 's stretch of imagination.
I can't deal with the ridicule vets of all the wars preceding Vietnam faced by our entire culture and their ( snicker) useless. 'War stories '.
As if, if you had those experiences, you wouldn't need to talk about it. Again and again. Before it festered and you destroyed everyone and anything that meant anything to you.
How we had the whole stupid Vietnam War experience , and despite so many best efforts , learned basically nothing.
About going to war. About actual cost. In lives before , during , and ever after.
The shock waves through endless generations, on and on and on. I'm sick of myopic honoring of 'the military. ' without some perfunctory acknowledgement of what, I am told by friends in the military, MOST in the military know and hate and cannot stand and somehow come to some acceptance of. I'm simply so sick of all this, despite devoted, courageous everyday people who put their lives on the line because of duty.

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