Last night was a tough night for Shiva Louisa. Panting with congestive heart. Seems if we're lucky enough to be here long enough, it eventually will get tough. Being an animal person, I know this is nowhere near tough.
Each day , we have the careful waking to go outside , so as not to startle her. The guiding her with smallest touches along the rooms to outside. The best method for helping down the stairs, versus up, the standing in the cold dining room watching, so she can wander and sniff and savor , but be ready when she chills and needs to come right in.
The peppering her days with gentle massages, meat treats , herbal pain killers , pain oil on her joints and spine .
But last night ,around 4 am, she lay between us , panting and cooking.
So I turned off the bedroom heat, and carefully soaked her sore hot wrists in ice water, then applied cooling cloths to her hot hot belly.
Gave her a 200c Arnica in water with some rescue remedy. And then gentled her nervous system so her heart could soothe and smooth. Did work on her heart .
And then she calmed, she cooled , her heart settled, having shared it's information and received the support.
And she fell deep into unfettered sleep, by my side. That way , I can feel if she begins to have trouble.
I had a slip of the bed left to me, and lay down, finding what covers I could; a bit chilled- until for some reason Dante uncharacteristically lay down next to me , his long soft back to me; head on pillow . He certainly had watched all my silent efforts and comings and goings .
So I pulled his long warm furred self to me, in a heavenly dog sandwich, and peacefully fell deep asleep .
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