A winter garden is filled with plants allowed to go to seed, and left for the winter hunger of birds and creatures.
A winter garden is found bustling with Sparrows and Titmouse and Finches and Junco, often preferring Echinacea and Monarda seed heads to the feeder fare, as they twitter and leap up to capture a plant, pull it down to the snow with their weight, and feed on the seeds found there.
A winter garden starts out rich with a banquet of nourishment, and by March, is picked clean;
just in time for all the Collards and Kale and Broccoli plants ,watered through fall, and left in the ground,
to come forth with the earliest and delectable yellow sprays of blossom , calling butterflies and other early winged things, with delight.
When there are no other blossoms anywhere at all.
This is how you wander out in early morning, or dusk , and come upon legions of ravenous happy winged beings, celebrating early spring .
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