I am finding myself in a moment, where I am
remembering working in my practice for 26 years,
and so fondly thinking of all
the clients I had the grace to work with.
The practitioners I had the pleasure
of training.
The people who worked in Gwen's Organic and Wildcrafted Herbs
Apothecary, and put together my formulas for clients.
For my brilliant ever
compassionate brother Sam, who taught me these things, and set me upon my way.
To Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, who taught me as my client, then as my friend,
then as my teacher, her astounding ways.
My thanks to my old friend Dave
Rodrigues for stepping in at a moment's notice, and taking over seeing my
clients, and handling my office, and seeing them still, with such remarkable
skill and wisdom.
And Pat Mead-Wheelock for being such a pleasure to share
clients with all those years, who works with them beautifully, still.
What a
gift it all was. I wish it had come to an end far in the future: yet here I am, filled with such gratitude spilling over.

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