Yet, as some would surely remind us, the past is littered, or dominated, by eras of lawlessness; of danger and illness and famines; marauding and wars. Of shifting alliances, of edicts as to what language or religion or beliefs you were mandated to exhibit allegiance to.
Places you were allowed to live. Things you were and were not allowed to do.
Of great unknown, where survival as a babe was an unusual thing, choices as an adolescent limited no matter your class or wealth, occupation possibilities uncertain and difficult, and the options for every single female, people with 'different ' appearances, abilities, or color severely impacted.
So I suppose the choices we have, today, regarding technology and the prevalence of such a flood of information, is no real big deal, in comparison,
and simply something we each learn to moderate, and navigate, the best way we know how.
As First World problems go, it isn't war or poverty, starvation or freezing; a lack of clean water, jobs, or safety. Simply a skill we'll all find our way with.
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