4.28.15 Wake. Breathe. Eat. Let difficult stuff come up. It will pass. Be with others. Watch the sunset. Tuck in. Sleep.
Yesterday I went to see a new doctor. She is in her 50's, and we got to talking. She was the head dr of an ER, wrote a grant, got huge money, and did some research studies of alternative medicine and trauma, addictions, including an early cannabis study. We talked about herbs, my experience as an herbalist, politics, and mindfulness. We also did the patient stuff. Her staff finally came to knock on the door,a prompt. She embraced me, and left.
This was on her wall. I can interpret his "Don't get angry"; got it. That we do have anger, and to be with it with awareness is different than jetting all over the place using it as fuel.
I loved reading this. It just settles a bunch of things down, simplifying dis-ease or distress, and calms it down into the simplicity that life actually is.
Wake. Breathe. Eat.Take care of ourselves the best we can. Let difficult stuff come up. Be with it. It will pass. Be with others. Flow. Watch the sunset. Tuck in, sleep.
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