we have this huge lawn. And if you do a good job, you keep the field chock-full
of sick ticks with sick tick diseases, at bay.
I used to mow, til I couldn't. Then my beloved did, til he couldn't . I was wondering if we could stay here...lawn mowing , snow removal , when his family got together, and presto ! A godsend. A riding law mower .
Now , I had five brothers. I come from a long line of people who love to drive. So I watched my honey mowing with the new machine, got on and smelled the horrible exhaust! And went out and bought a $30 mask that makes you look like a giant fly. But who cares. Those fumes are horrible for us.
Then, I'd look outside, and there was a giant fly, zooming around on the big red new machine that was the godsend.
Today I actually had some energy. I was sitting at home without a car, feeling pretty good, and I spied that shiny new red machine. I thought, okay. It's just sitting there. . I'll go mow the lawn.
Some welcome rain was around the corner, so I felt a little urgency.so I took some time getting to know the machine, and then zoomed around mowing and mowing, with the giant fly mask on my face, until I looked behind me, and nothing was getting cut. Oh crap.
I gave my honey a call, and he told me where the stupid grass-actually-getting- cut lever was.
I used to mow, til I couldn't. Then my beloved did, til he couldn't . I was wondering if we could stay here...lawn mowing , snow removal , when his family got together, and presto ! A godsend. A riding law mower .
Now , I had five brothers. I come from a long line of people who love to drive. So I watched my honey mowing with the new machine, got on and smelled the horrible exhaust! And went out and bought a $30 mask that makes you look like a giant fly. But who cares. Those fumes are horrible for us.
Then, I'd look outside, and there was a giant fly, zooming around on the big red new machine that was the godsend.
Today I actually had some energy. I was sitting at home without a car, feeling pretty good, and I spied that shiny new red machine. I thought, okay. It's just sitting there. . I'll go mow the lawn.
Some welcome rain was around the corner, so I felt a little urgency.so I took some time getting to know the machine, and then zoomed around mowing and mowing, with the giant fly mask on my face, until I looked behind me, and nothing was getting cut. Oh crap.
I gave my honey a call, and he told me where the stupid grass-actually-getting- cut lever was.
So I had a glass of water, girded my wussy self, and headed back out. I pushed
at a bunch if things till I realized which one it was. You see, there's a
little picture of a blade on it. Yup.
So I put the mask on, got on the machine, turned it on, I pulled that lever, and well. A lot of noise. And then I headed off, and hooray, grass cutting.
I drove around, just being unbelievably grateful for all of the family members that decided to help this be possible. See, when I used to work, and he did, I had no idea we needed something like this. We just did what you all do. We sucked it up, and went mowing and mowing mowing.
Of course, with the mask on, and nobody around, you couldn't really hear me squealing or screech, when I went on an incline. And the thing kind of leaned to the side. But I figured that out.
No, no one was there to hear me scream through the mask, when I whipped around the corner a little too fast, taking out one of my own perennials! Or went over an indentation or a bump a little too fast, and got sent bouncing in the air. But I figured that out too.
Of course, that wonderful rain was coming. Reportedly to rain tomorrow too. So I stepped up the action. Once I actually did a little wheelie. I know I know. I'll be more careful.
But wow, what a cool thing. To be able to get something done while you're sitting. I felt so productive! I can almost imagine wanting to go out and pollute the world terribly just for the fun of riding around, and have something to do. But the whole thing stinks terribly. I really hope you wear a mask of some sort when you mow your lawn anyway. People tend to dismiss the importance of absorbing fumes like that.
No, I can't justify riding around on something that uses up fuel and pollutes the world just for fun. But I have to tell you, it was satisfying.
Eventually a whole lot of lawn was done, all over again, only actually cutting grass this time.
No, we can't replace the lawn with growing things. Gardens we have plenty of, and they all need water, so they grow for the insects and the wildlife. But enough is enough.
When you live next to huge fields filled with ticks, you can't have a whole bunch of grasses in your yard. Because the ticks migrate there. And then you're more likely to get tick bites. And sick.
So? A big lawn.
And then I parked behind the cottage, pulling it's beautiful green cover down over it's brand-new wheels, the hood.
The rains came then, sweeping across the conservation fields, through the forest surrounding us. And drenching the thirsty land. Washing all things clean once again.
So I put the mask on, got on the machine, turned it on, I pulled that lever, and well. A lot of noise. And then I headed off, and hooray, grass cutting.
I drove around, just being unbelievably grateful for all of the family members that decided to help this be possible. See, when I used to work, and he did, I had no idea we needed something like this. We just did what you all do. We sucked it up, and went mowing and mowing mowing.
Of course, with the mask on, and nobody around, you couldn't really hear me squealing or screech, when I went on an incline. And the thing kind of leaned to the side. But I figured that out.
No, no one was there to hear me scream through the mask, when I whipped around the corner a little too fast, taking out one of my own perennials! Or went over an indentation or a bump a little too fast, and got sent bouncing in the air. But I figured that out too.
Of course, that wonderful rain was coming. Reportedly to rain tomorrow too. So I stepped up the action. Once I actually did a little wheelie. I know I know. I'll be more careful.
But wow, what a cool thing. To be able to get something done while you're sitting. I felt so productive! I can almost imagine wanting to go out and pollute the world terribly just for the fun of riding around, and have something to do. But the whole thing stinks terribly. I really hope you wear a mask of some sort when you mow your lawn anyway. People tend to dismiss the importance of absorbing fumes like that.
No, I can't justify riding around on something that uses up fuel and pollutes the world just for fun. But I have to tell you, it was satisfying.
Eventually a whole lot of lawn was done, all over again, only actually cutting grass this time.
No, we can't replace the lawn with growing things. Gardens we have plenty of, and they all need water, so they grow for the insects and the wildlife. But enough is enough.
When you live next to huge fields filled with ticks, you can't have a whole bunch of grasses in your yard. Because the ticks migrate there. And then you're more likely to get tick bites. And sick.
So? A big lawn.
And then I parked behind the cottage, pulling it's beautiful green cover down over it's brand-new wheels, the hood.
The rains came then, sweeping across the conservation fields, through the forest surrounding us. And drenching the thirsty land. Washing all things clean once again.
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