As dusk drew near , I left the chili ( renewed
with fresh shallots and tomatoes from the garden) and the Kale simmering, left
my beloved BioMating and BioFeedbackjng ( didn't know they could be verbs ,
eh?!) and took the pup down the street to Summit Road, for his yearned- for
evening leash 'Run! Run !" .
That's obligatory , actually , much like cheering
on your 12 year old , or exclaiming over the jumps and leaps of your five year
old - because if I urge him to run ! Run! From one side of the road to the
other , over and over again , fast!, why then he'll get all happy and well
behaved and tired.
So I do, and he does , race back and forth , as
the half moon rises quietly into the sky over the small mountain range ,
and nearby someone is having a gathering
outside , with one very enthusiastic lead guitar , the lot of them singing.
'Louie Louie!"
As the sky turns all sorts of amazing oranges
and pinks and blues , the RV community at Mitch 's settles in for one more
precious summers rest before they all have to lug their wheeled homes back
and I
drag that tired still- growing little Shepherd boy back home to bed.
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