It's tough stuff, this growing older.
Sometimes, noticeably becoming unweller. At times, I'm certain each of us just
want to let loose on someone within reach.
It truly begins to distort, to look like it's them . Until our intent for clarity enables us to come to, again, thank goodness. And realize what is in truth happening .
That they certainly are not perfect, the neighbor or relative or partner or offspring or friend. But it's not them- the drivers today or the clients or the boss or the ill fit of our home or our coming up against the distance between what we imagined a d the life we are living.
That it's all just a bit much.
And then we take it in hand. Do something to digest it. The sense of isolation. The private realities we each live and breathe Disappointments , shock and worry.
On better days, we sit up and stand and look it in the eye, and try to do something constructive with it. To soothe ourselves. Settle it a bit; that yes, it's true , it's like this now . And yes, it looks like that may follow.and then, well ,what is the best way to be kind to ourselves? Exchange empathy with others? And then ,live these days we are given?
Course , over here on the Group W Bench , I find myself saying to myself , very quietly now , as I walk toward the brilliant sunset down the cool dusty road tonight, after a tough day; watching new facial lines and creases appear and deepen just these past few days,
I say to myself
"Yeah, here I am. Yes, this is what's happening. To a whole lot of us. Since the beginning of time. And right now.
Man, just look at all the cool stuff behind and within and thick with this day.
And, hold on there honey. This here's not late 70s, 80s, 90s.
Cool your sweet self out. Pace yourself ."
And then I smile ,a bit rueful, take a breath, and see what might be possible.
(P.S.- Had many tell me they felt this way, on
Facebook. If you sometimes or often do, you are in excellent company.)
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