Here we are, with no killing frost yet ,bees
and blossoms , and snow falls from the skies. Two huge pots simmer down on the
stove for the second day, thick with medicinal Maitake from the forest ,
harvested at the last possible moment , infusing the waters with remarkable
capacities .
My youngest and his beloved have come and then gone. I yearn to go on a long languorous trip with the two of them. Before I am older , and they are further grown into their lives , from this precious early-twenties time, when who you are , combined with how all of life looks to you , is so wide wide open , and you don't even know.
A good day, with my beloved , seeing my ever wise brother and taking care of each other 's health , as the wind chills and the snow falls, tentatively at first , then with more certainty , as the temperature plummets and the wind rises up.
My youngest and his beloved have come and then gone. I yearn to go on a long languorous trip with the two of them. Before I am older , and they are further grown into their lives , from this precious early-twenties time, when who you are , combined with how all of life looks to you , is so wide wide open , and you don't even know.
A good day, with my beloved , seeing my ever wise brother and taking care of each other 's health , as the wind chills and the snow falls, tentatively at first , then with more certainty , as the temperature plummets and the wind rises up.

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