evening seems like a surprise. As if you'd forgotten all about being a living
thing, on a planet. That spins. That holds your feet to the ground. As if you
forgot that every moment there are gajillions of sunsets and sunrises all over
this globe, never mind all the patillions of planets and stars with their own
sunrises and sunsets happening like nuts all over the place, not even with our
own little sun. Nope. I forget.
then I see out of the corner of my eye the beginning of a glory filled one. So
I hightail it down the hill, to The Eagle Sanctuary, where I pile out of the
car, in my slippers or whatever, and stand there, always in the wind. Hardly
ever no wind. Always the Connecticut flowing powerfully right over there, past
the farmer fields and trees. Always the sense of enormity.
Of my
heart. Of yours. Of your vision of your self or your life that has tiny bits of
it panning out, actually. Of the last thing on your mind before you fell asleep
last night. Of the complete amazement of waking up once again, and having a day
handed to you. All bright and shiney and new, even if you're not.
yeah, there you are, checking out the sunset surprise today, and there is your
consciousness, all around your sweet planet. With all it's confusions and
problems and mean stuff and yearnings and hurt feelings and betrayal and
. There
it all is. In your tiny corner of the universes. In your face. In your heart.
Shining there, on your horizon, looking like grace.

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