Being of that generation, many of whom chose idealism over pensions, and lessons for kids over savings, my daughter did fall prey to the horse contagion of that age, and so we went down to the local horse farm, for lessons. Not long after, my youngest, accompanying us of course, fell madly in love with Princess, the very old and beautiful and lively mare. So we would go once a week for lessons, the two of them bobbing around the tied horses while getting help hefting saddles and adjusting all those mysterious leather things....as I stood there helping them, amazed at the remarkable big bodies and selves of these creatures.
Off they would go to the ring, to ride and study, while I watched and smiled whenever they looked over, to see if I was looking.
Eventually he tired of it all, soccer moving up in his life. So she and I would make our way down through the wooded road once a week, for her to have her fill. Eventually, I'd wander about while she had her lesson. We'd be there in the hottest buggiest summer, and the frozen days of winter, relegated to the indoor ring.
One day I walked down the row of horses beneath beautiful pines, in various fenced in areas. One came up to me, so I talked to them and stroked them and before you know it i was working on their head, the cranial bones, because bodyworkers kind of just fall into this. I mean, if you stand in front of us and lean into us, we'll just begin working on whatever vertebrae or organ or joint you present.
A few weeks ago my daughter was visiting. I was sitting in a chair while we all talked, and she stood up, came over in front of me, turned her back, and backed up. I was kind of tired, so it took me a moment to get what it was she wanted. I looked at her sacrum...very out. I looked at her lumbar, palpating. Out. I stood up, directed her to the ever present acupressure table that takes up half the living room, she lay down, and I set about aligning her spine and structure a bit, tsking. That's just how it is.
So I was standing with this beautiful huge dark brown horse, and I began working down their back, got to their lumbar (which btw are HUGE) and found the sore place on their hip. La dee da worked a tiny bit, just casually, because it's not my horse. Then I smiled goodbye and waked further down the row. To the next horse, who came right on up to me, and turned their neck to me. So I put out my hands and palpated and released a bit of tight muscle on one side. Down to the next horse, the same.
Funny thing, the next week after getting her settled in her lesson, I went around again to see the horses and stallions and huge array of different foul). And each horse I came up to presented me with the part of their body they wanted me to work on. At first I thought maybe I was imagining things. We tend to both Anthropomorphize animals, and then underestimate their vast intelligence. But yeah, there they were, each giving me the heads up. I was so touched. And complied, of course. Checking with the woman who owned the stables, who said "Wow. Just go ahead. Whatever you want to do." And so, I did.
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