we begin to get this, we start noticing it.
we are, forgot something or missed something; bounced a check or got a parking
ticket or blew our budget or said something we regret.
start in on ourselves without a second thought, without realizing we're
delivering our own beat-up-on-yourself pity party.
often do we not even notice the way the present moment then instantaneously
lines up with a bajillion past unresolved moments, set to do the tango-domino,
and off it goes almost of its own volition.
Noticing the first moment saves

It holds our hand and says " No no! You stay right here. This is this one simple moment and no more. Now you just treat yourself the way you would treat someone else . Cool out. Be respectful and kind. Circumspect."
Sometimes with repetition, we get really good at this. We notice the first domino wobbling.
We say to ourselves "Oh no you don't . " We arrest the whole deal , settling down into what we really feel right now.
Frustration, anger, sadness. We say Yup to it all. We let it wash through and over us.
And then it's done . For now.

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