Sometimes we find ourselves living in unproductive fathomless fear and anxiety ,while trying to face the increasing problems stacked up from poor habits, as if scaring or blaming or shaming ourselves will help us face the necessity to make a change. But 'A Change' is such a big weighty thing, whereas ,changing THIS choice, today , is, in fact, possible.
Keeping it simple , we bite off not more than we can chew , quietly celebrating each good choice daily. Smiling at what we just managed, this moment, instead of fearing our ability to pull off The Big Deal of 'change-or-else !' .
And though we experience very real survival and health problems, and quite acute difficult times ,in actuality, we are traveling a path, through remarkable lands of our lives. Of our own choices and conveniences and circumstance.
With these difficult but important efforts at improving our daily habits bit by bit, we do well keeping our eyes set to our feet, not the seemingly far distant mountain top.
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