Last night, as a welcome
small rain pattered upon all dry things here on into the morning...
as the deer
roamed in the darkness til they came to feed in the lower field come dawn...
the glorious wild turkeys took their rest high in the old Oaks
until daylight
wakened them and brought them to their breakfast in the meadows
we all share
while my husband and I lay sleeping in this ending of summertimes.
all those things were happening here, and so many were happening where you make
your home, an old friend of his came to the end of his life.
He ran into Jaime at Dana Farber, an unusual reunion after so many years passing of one's life. His friend had married and had a beautiful son, just as ours were moving off onto their own.
So they got to see each other several times and email and laugh and share the macabre humor necessary for those with cancer . And speak about old things and share about recent things and talk about how it was for each of them, with this big big condition.
Early this morning we both woke, and as the dog was put out on the rope , three does were peacefully feeding far down in the fields , with the welcome small rain falling upon all our heads and nourishing the parched earth.
As the wild turkey took flight, the rich reds and browns and black all resplendent in the early morning light .

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