When he first began sleeping there, I would bring the dog to put on the rope before bed, he'd freak out and fly away. But now as long as I don't look at him, which is a predator thing, he hides in the corner and he's fine. He's so adorable. All cozy and a little bit protected there.
Today,after the snow, a big bunch of his friends came, because I throw birdseed in the back door way sometimes, when the squirrels get bossy with the birds at the bird-feeding table. So the tiny flock of young sparrows discovered the enclosure, and today they were all having a great time, hopping from one tall board of wood to another, onto the little shelves and back to other things. And exploring and he didn't look all that happy. He was a little crabby about it, pushing them out of the way.
But when the sun began to set, one little female remained behind. Perched on a tall leaning board. When I open the kitchen door to the unheard dining room, there was tye little female, looking all nervous. She took off, but I suspect she will not only be back, but the will build a nest there. I have one more nesting box I'll screw in come spring, for the two of them.
When I bring the dogs out tonight, I'll just bring them out the front.
Leave those two to their nights rest.

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