This morning bright and early, it was a better day and a stronger one. So I let out the dog and fed birds and squirrels and settled cats and did half the day's set up for the guy, and then stuffed on sneakers, and slipped out into the frozen cold morning, to go by Planet Fitness.
Which was still there, thank you very much, just as peachy and wonderfully anonymous as ever.
I messed around with a few machines, just a bit, stretching back and feeling the deliciousness and pulling forward and remembering all of the strength.
Which was still there, thank you very much, just as peachy and wonderfully anonymous as ever.
I messed around with a few machines, just a bit, stretching back and feeling the deliciousness and pulling forward and remembering all of the strength.
Back home, after the long list of stuff, off he went to work, while I ignored the juicer waiting to be cleaned, and the dishes and so much more, and took myself and the pup on down to the farmers fields.
Which were windy and freezing cold to me, and it must be me and this year's changes, because the car said 31•, and yet, clearly it was frigid.
But as always, once you get going, everything warms except finger tips, if you're nicely bundled.
Which were windy and freezing cold to me, and it must be me and this year's changes, because the car said 31•, and yet, clearly it was frigid.
But as always, once you get going, everything warms except finger tips, if you're nicely bundled.
So I kept to the field where the grass gave good purchase, and inhaled the clean windswept winterland and listened as the ice floes rounded the river's oxbow and crashed along the sides as it streamed down to the sea.
And all things unsettled and difficult and tangled and uncertain slipped away;
And all things unsettled and difficult and tangled and uncertain slipped away;
and slowly the lightening began.
So that, there, in that beautiful stark landscape of winter and sleep and peace and quiet, slowly I found myself coming in for a landing.
So that, there, in that beautiful stark landscape of winter and sleep and peace and quiet, slowly I found myself coming in for a landing.

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