While noticing whe n we are falling prey to thoughts or convictions of self doubt. Of ideas that foster low self esteem. Of old comfy miserable habitual responses.
We are perfectly capable of mindfully noticing our fearful doubtful thoughts and feelings, saying 'Oh hi, there you are.' And feeling them or thinking them for a moment while identifying them.
'Yes, I am having that thought. Look, there is that feeling. Ugh.' And then give it air time. With awareness.
And then turning, and reminding ourselves. Of our focus. Of our plain old everyday remarkable value.
Of our growing capacity to reason out a situation.
To notice and then overlook those around us who doubt or have differing opinions or are certain we are this boxed in person who will 'always' be one old way.
We can say 'Yes , that person is certain I will always be that one way. Have I been sometimes in the past? Yes.
Am I sometimes in the present? Yup, seems so.
Do I have to be all that way forever? No.
Is change 100% immediately ? Nope.
If I change, will I done days change back? Sometimes.
That's what change and growth is all about. People around us pigeon holing us, limiting our possibilities unconsciously.
Others supporting however we are determined to grow and change.
While we honestly assess ourselves, and then on a friendly devoted manner , support our way along our path.
Inch by inch, row by row.

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