Where you get to go for a period of time, and maybe borrow a pop up trailer to sleep in campgrounds or have rest days. S-l-o-w-l-y drive across the land. When it's not too hot and not too cold. Maybe with a friend for part of it.
The driving with an open future is a beautiful thing. Before I had kids, I traversed the country a lot, on down into Mexico for grand adventures, up into Canada some. The finding yourself in new and more distant places is wonderful.
I'm not certain if I would have specified goals, because if I had to turn back or didn't make them, I'd just be disappointed.
So maybe instead, a generalized heading off toward. Toward some hills. Toward some waters. There is a special place in my heart for West Virginia hills. The North Carolina mountains and old old places. The vast Arizona places. Waking up one place. Going to sleep another.
Finding myself in some lovely places in this country. Seeing how it goes. Or saving up to have some nice younger person drive. One more go around.
So many of us don't know it's too late for a go around til it just about is.
I'm wondering how to push a little to find out what's possible.
And then hunker down into health, and circumstances, the present day, and the life that's been lived .
Mine has been a tough one and an outrageously cool one. I'm grateful and I'm satisfied.
I've slowly learned to let go of what most probably will not happen .
But I sure would like to have that feel of quietly driving off off to somewhere different again.

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