Where the conflusion of factors is intense and complex, and yet there is a very real necessity of our own, to respond to them. In ways far beyond what we can normally manage. In any sort of stability and balance.
So we pause. We stabilize and balance our selves, in whatever ways soothe and calm and clarify.
Perhaps we go chop mounds of potatoes and onions for a church breakfast for those with no home.
Perhaps we go to a fitness place, and mindfully breathe in and out, while feeling the pleasure of stretching this muscle, that spine.
Perhaps we have a big sweet dog who must have a run, and we find ourselves out on the farmers fields, digesting recent death , sad missteps, misunderstandings with tender loved ones, and approaching tough sad conversations.
Where those who falsely elevated themselves, and were held high , in place by many, will be found down along the ground, with the rest of us.
Their pathology clear in the new light of day.

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