Thursday, September 10, 2015

9.10.15 Long ago and far away, Myrtle Beach

     Long ago and far away, Myrtle Beach Summer Vacation. I saved up, rented a van, let the two younger ones invite a friend, leaving my husband to do his dissertation, thankfully, because he was such a crab with a bunch of kids...and off we went,
     on our grand adventure; stopping to sleep over once, then arriving at this motel right on the strip.
     Ah yes, zillions of on vacation college kids, screaming far into the night. The typical Myrtle Beach undertow, so no going out past your waist. Still, they had the best time, and we all chose what to do with our budget each day...meals or fun places or whatever.
     At night, I'd sit on the floor of the bathroom when they were all asleep, writing and reading, then step over all the sweet young ones muttering and shifting, and climb into my own bed.
     Early, they'd be up, getting breakfast and adjusting rows and rows of products! And arguing and laughing and playing video games and we'd go play in the pool and walk the boardwalk and they girls would insist the rest of us follow them at a distance so noone would know they were supervised! They dug sand and made castles and then threw each other in the sea. Wondrous time.

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