Today somehow was a quiet day. A pensive day. Still, some things to do, and as I went around the neighborhood, on my path, invariably I ran into favorite places. Shrouded in remarkable and every day beauty.

As we waited for my best friend, by my old office, and got to wander the high riverside, and discover this not-so-large spider , who has created a 3' long and 3' high spiderweb of extraordinary beauty, in the doorway of an old unused shed- to cast her net- each sparkle a small insect she caught , so rather successful. Amazing glistening web. As the Connecticut swirled and rushed by far below.

The Conservation pathway quiet and empty of visitors, the galleon clouds above the glistening river, and the inviting path always waiting.
As the sky promised a sunset light show not to be missed, down by the Eagle Sanctuary
On the way back home , so many still happily in their RV's, threaded along the riverside, as the darkness approached- and led me to wonder what it's like to summer in a big camper thing, sitting outside as the river flows on by.

As we finally returned home , me putting groceries away in the kitchen- til I happened to peer out the kitchen window- and caught sight of how the setting sun was reflecting off the billowy cloud just as it was passing by- half expecting some Hallelujah chorus, for goodness sake- though really, it's just earth, and life; days and then nights, ants, bears, trees and us- having our precious lives.

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