We searched and searched today for a hidden away conservation woods a friend with the dog horde had brought us to... And finally located the small dirt road, warning '10 miles an hour. And don't raise the dust!'. So we did and didn't, meandering and jouncing til we drove right into the woods.

Once out, there was the dark canopy and the slowly moving stream and the small wooden bridge and the raised land for the footpath, bordered by Horsetail all along;
new different land and warnings and alerts from the birds and wild creatures, as we walked in and out of shafts of sunlight that shifted through the forest as the wind blew and the tall trees waved.
Til some animal began making a cricccckkking sound, which was quite enough for me, quite loud too- possibly some tiny avian with a large lung capacity -who knows,
Til some animal began making a cricccckkking sound, which was quite enough for me, quite loud too- possibly some tiny avian with a large lung capacity -who knows,
but we turned tail and backtracked, once again relishing the absolute beauty of path and woods and stream,
at one point Dante seriously attempting to climb a leaning tree to follow up on a squirrel that, by then, was long gone - leapt to another and another ; not that he'd understand that.
He garnering an enormous long stick , racing by, thwacking me by accident, and I did yell out ! And then, apologize, surely, at his concerned sweet young face ,
taking advantage of his pause to nab his collar and stick the leash on, them cross the bridge
while he jumped 6' down, then raced up the bank, so that the car,
due to be traded in any second ( before any number of about to be dire things happen) would of course, now, be covered with mud and dirt, mounds of it, dried and covring the back seat.
But no matter. In we got and out we backed and slowly we went our way, raising no dust, mind you,
while a number of story lines and new characters and situations ,of my novel , simmered in my mind,
waiting patiently for us to get on home.
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