It's a warm day, yet another overcast day, with no promise of rain, but rather, a promise of the sun now and again glinting through magnificent thick clouds,virtually indistinguishable- one from another, as they slowly make their way past.
Out on Kestrel Lane, the colors ,of course ,bring you to your knees. So vibrant, so bright. Each day new trees are handed the task to let go their leaves , resplendent upon the ground, until a few more days pass and they dry, crumble, and turn into soil and dust.
And so it goes, one round of trees after another, a genetically determined process, with very specific timing, according to the season and the temperature and the light, as it shifts and changes: The light- determining all things.
Can you hear the changes inside of you? As the night temperatures, and then the day, slowly shift, back-and-forth, as a pie plate with dry beans, shifting, sorting, sliding back-and-forth. The sliding inevitable, shepherding us slowly from one season to another, from the beginning of time.
I stop sometimes and listen inside my body, as my organs and systems calibrate with these signals from the environment surrounding us.
In this moment, this day of ours; in a land, in the season. I cock my head , listening carefully for all the complex internal machinations happening, at this for a moment.
Pineal glands and visual apparatus conversing with immune function, skin layer production changing in preparation, livers changing course , task differentiated: all about adaptation.
One of the benefits, although it's not one-pill-fix-all, of having a sense of place. Of regularly walking your backyard or wandering down your city street or making your way by your ocean or visiting your river, day after day ;
Or going around your block- the benefit of of doing so is beyond measure.
Even the moments while you stop by the store, for your dinner things, walking in , as you look about you, smelling and feeling and listening - fully aware of your surroundings, of the skies , starlings alight; the seagulls on the tall lights surrounding you. The trees and bushes and grasses moving in that shift, as you are also.
And then walking back again to your car, fully awake, fully aware!
Awareness pokes you awake. Nature PULLS you into the loop. It calls to you, in ways your ancestors heard so intricately , waiting for you to pause , just for a moment: for your well being.
As I stop and sense and listen, I feel almost imperceptible shifts. Of my skin. My eyes. My organs within. Calibrating to the changes of the earth, the moon, the sun, the universe .
Our weather and time, days and hours passing, being present in all of those moments in your life. So that nothing feels lost or missed. So your body can align itself with the changes with more ease, and if your day to day habits are manageable enough? You will experience fewer acute illnesses , and a slower progression of all of your choice challenged health concerns.
As you also wander along where you prefer, staying present in your days.
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