Do you ever waken, as it slowly comes to you, this day, and not often, that today actually feels like a brand new day?

Like many things ,that often do not seem possible, today are?

It's such a singular feeling, and one that can
be fostered by us taking care...of ourselves. Our lives.
But there are no guarantees. No passing GO and collecting a deep sense of possibility.
But there are no guarantees. No passing GO and collecting a deep sense of possibility.

So when the sense of this comes to us, as we open our eyes and orient ourselves to our self, our body, our circumstance, our day before us,

and this brings with it that impending feeling of openness- of ability- 

as if the weight of living was lessened in sleep somehow,

as if ease replaced fatigue and responsibility and slowly learning to accept difficult, uncomfortable things,

well then, what a fine day it is. This day.

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